This is us

  • James

    James is a Pisces, a March Pisces, and it makes perfect sense that he exists in a world of his own creation.. filled with animals!

    A few years ago José insisted they stop at three dogs... they've since taken on three cats and another dog!

    Armed with a Diploma in Care of Small Domestic Animals and currently pursuing a grooming certification, James is carving his unique path, guided by his deep connection to the animal kingdom.

    It will be him you deal with most of all

  • José

    Often referred to as 'the sensible one' because, well, of the three he IS the sensible one!

    He's married to James, which James finds hilariously insensible, but does live in another country which is very sensible.

    Typical Aries.... 🙄

    He visits London occasionally but has his hands full looking after their menagerie of pets.

    ...and running the BarkWoofYap España of course!

  • Nic

    He was born on the cusp of Aquarius Sun, under an Aries Moon with a Scorpio Ascendent... which says it all really 😉

    In reality, Nic didn't choose the BarkWoofYap life, it chose him! Mostly because he has excellent logistics skills, a keen eye for detail, and animals LOVE him! He mostly helps with pick up and drop offs.

    His real job seems to include calls with people about other calls with different people about things that may or may not happen.

    His best features are his dog and his cat.